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On Kawara

On Kawara's 'I got up' postcards from 1977 are a good example of how we interpret the potential for fiction, what is the proof that the statement 'I got up' is true, this challenging of knowledge is connected to discussions in philosophy around what knowledge is. Maybe On Kawara is 'attempting to explore the notion of pinning something down - what is it to pin something down' I'm not sure I fully understand what this means, pinning down a moment, making a historical record the proof is in the knowledge or the belief, if you record something are you advocating it as truthful?

There are 3 propositions on the concept of knowledge - what is it and how can it be acquired, there is the idea that knowledge is sense perception - existentialism - pre socratic thinkers peraplytes and protagorus - the relative truth of all things - man is the measure of all things - however things appear to someone if they apper different to someone else its all down to interpretation. This relates back to On Kawara in thinking about one persons interpretation of the story as being true and another persons interpretation of it as false, or there is the possibility for varying conceptual interpretations, someone might not consider this work to be dealing with questions of knowledge at all, in fact it can be considered purely in terms of time, what does this work mean in a historical sense and how does time and travel interlinked, the use of the post card as format suggests being separated from someone you want to communicate with perhaps the artist and the audience. Wanting to record an experience in order to prove to yourself that it really happened. I think that this work does connect quite clearly to ideas of knowledge, the record or document is what we consider to be knowledge, we wouldn't have history if it wasn't for people recording and writing things down.

There is also the idea that you cannot step twice into the same river, the river is flowing so it is always different water touching your foot, and your foot is always changing, most importantly your memory is constantly accumulating and recording the experience so that it can only be new once and from then on it will always be experienced in relation to and on top of past experiences.